
For stylish designer Mens Underwear and Swimwear

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Underwear not a priority for male British holidaymakers

Men, it sounds like it’s time to break the stereotype and invest in some quality underwear for your summer holidays! According to a recent survey ‘British men consider underwear a waste of suitcase space, with the majority of those surveyed admitting to packing only three pairs of underwear for a week-long holiday.’

The reasons given for taking such a spasre underwear allowance are even more disturbing ‘with 12 percent stating they planned to wash some items and 37 percent claiming they mostly wore swimming trunks - it is not known what the remaining 51 percent planned to do.’

If you have a holiday planned this summer then please ensure you have sufficient underwear for your stay and visit www.undiesnadovers.co.uk to place your order today.

Saturday, 30 April 2011

New Clever range of underwear and swimwear now in

New range of Clever Moda designer underwear and swimwear now in stock – check them out today at http://undiesandovers.co.uk/clever-collection

The new stock now includes a selection of mens thongs and mens swimwear as well as mens underwear.